KMM Networking layer


This is the third in a multi-part series on Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. The source code for the final project is available here. This entry will cover configuring Ktor and executing networking requests for the mobile iOS and Android apps. Unlike the tutorial, I’m not using the SpaceX API, which provides public access to information about SpaceX rocket launches. Instead I’m using the Army’s ODIN API for a reboot of my WEG iOS and Android applications.

KMM Database layer


This is the second in a multi-part series on Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. This entry will cover configuring SQLDelight and implementing cache logic for the mobile iOS and Android app. Unlike the tutorial, I’m not using the SpaceX API, which provides public access to information about SpaceX rocket launches. Instead I’m using the Army’s brand new ODIN API for a reboot of my WEG iOS and Android applications. The ODIN API provides in-depth information about a wide array of military equipment.

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Introduction


This is the first in a multi-part series on Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) “is an SDK for iOS and Android app development [that] offers all the combined benefits of creating cross-platform and native apps.” ( I’m currently following the KMM tutorial to implement a mobile iOS and Android app. Like the tutorial, the application will retrieve data over the internet from a public API, save it in a local database, and display it in a list in the application.



Well, this is a little embarrassing, but I need to postpone the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile blog once again. You see, there was a pretty radical change of plans last month due to an unforeseen opportunity. But to talk about that we need to go back in time all the way to 2021. I joined the Mazamas, a mountaineering education organization, in 2021. In order to participate in any of the climbs however you must be a graduate of BCEP (Basic Climbers Education Course).

Lessons Learned at Q5id


I spent a little less than a year at Q5id. It was the shortest amount of time that I’ve spent with an employer. I specifically picked Q5id because the CEO already had accomplished two successful startup exits, Unicru, which was acquired by Kronos Inc. in 2006, and SureID, which was acquired by Sterling Talent in 2017. Despite this precaution, I ultimately found working for a startup full-time to be beyond my appetite for risk and moved back to employment with a larger, more established company.